Ham Radio Software from F6CTE

MultiPSK 4.49.1 / Clock 1.11.12 / OMMap 1.4
To download the last version of Multipsk, Clock and OMMap, click here

About the Multipsk, Clock and OMMap licence, click here

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About Multipsk: the use of this program and particularly, the professional modes ("Utilities") decoding, must be done in accordance with the legislation of the country where this program is used.

Modes supported by Multipsk:

Here are several WEB addresses for information about part of the previous modes :

Below it will be found several WEB addresses for about frequencies concerned by Multipsk:

Below it will be found methods and links to interface Multipsk with different SdR receivers:

Multipsk 4.49.1, Clock 1.11.12 and OMMap 1.4
Clock "The radio driven digital clock', bundled with MultiPSK, provides date and time from FRANCE-INTER, DCF 77, HBG, MSF, BBC, WWVB, WWV, WWVH, CHU, RAI, JJY, a GPS or Internet. OMMap is a mapping program.

Download Here
This contains the latest version of both applications in one ZIP file

Multipsk (+ Clock + OMMap) version history Primary Changes from v. 4.49 to v. 4.49.1

How to download and instal Multipsk



MultiCom v1.1 (F6CTE) Quick Info:
This program ("little brother" of Multipsk), intended to experimentations, permits to chat using serial transceivers (USB or not).

Download Here

Version History:

How to download and instal MultiCom

MultiDem v2.5.1 (F6CTE) Quick Info:
A USB/LSB/AM/FM Modem (Modulator/Demodulator) for SdR and DSB (direct conversion) transceivers + broadcast FM demodulation

Download Here

Version History:

HB9TLK's " Gui_serv_Multipsk" program (+ Multidem_TCP_IP_Version_1 protocol)

An old version of Multipsk (V.4.3.1 of 2007) for old Windows (95/98/2000) computers with little RAM memory: Download Here

Multipsk client (F6CTE) program: a demonstration of the Multipsk control through a TCP/IP link - sources and .EXE (protocol version 7)
* v7 to v8: the TCP/IP address can be any address and not only the local loop

PSK10_transceiver (F6CTE): program which shows (as an example) how to decode and code PSK10 with a remote application, controlling Multipsk, through a TCP/IP link - sources and .EXE (Version 1)

Multipsk_planner (F6CTE): demonstration program which gives the possibility to the user to realize a monitoring planning (modes, frequencies and end times) either for Multipsk interfaced with Commander (DXLAB), or for Multipsk interfaced with a SdR (FCD, FCD+, RTL/SDR, Softrock), this one controlling Multipsk, through a TCP/IP link - sources and .EXE (Version 1)

and two Delphi /C++ test programs, offered free to Hams and SWLs who want to easily manage a sound card (R

Editeur Sonore (F6CTE):

Download Here
The free program allows the user to read or to write text in audibly (through a sound card), each typed letter being both spoken through your speakers and displayed in very big letters on your screen. This non-ham freeware is for visually impared French speakers (the letters are pronounced the “French” way)

Version 1.0 to 1.0.2: up to date for Windows XP and reduction of CPU consumption.

Writing in English, from the author (in relation with radio)

 Wireless transmission using the sole electric field rev. C

Study of an active antenna for LW and MW rev. A

Writings in French, from the author (in relation with radio)

 Transmission sans fil par utilisation du seul champ électrique rév. C

 Etude d'un récepteur à un seul tube diode rév. B

 Etude d'un générateur AM à un seul tube gaz NE2 rév. B

Etude d'une antenne active GO/PO rév. D

 Etude des transmissions par ultrasons rév. A

 Expérimentation, physique et dimensionnement des antennes à boucles magnétiques HF rév. C


Writings in French, from the author (without relation with radio)

 Galacticus (science-fiction book)  Puissance voitures (opinion)

Other Ham radio

Last updated the 28th of February 2025.